Friday, April 15, 2011

Hard Times for comics workers...

I read on Monday that Top Cow did some downsizing. Note that i got the impression it was staffers more-so than freelancers or contractors. Keep in mind DC announced Wildstorm was closing down earlier in the year -- altho Kraig says he has buds that got moved to LA area. So it looks to NOT mean every single dude got he ax.

On Tuesday or Wednesday, I read that Dark Horse cut 6 Editors, including 1 of their manga dudes. Luckily it was not pal & former Viz co-worker, Carl Horn. There might be some other cuts up there, but only the editors got named.

As of Friday 4/15 Tokypop announced they have closed publishing in the USA. WTF, right... these guys had a license to print $$$ since they blew up with Sailor Moon. They reinvented how manga is read in the US by doing the right-to-left format.

Viz cut 40% staff in Feb 2010 (or maybe Feb. 2011?). So combined with Wldstorm, Top Cow, Dark Horse, Viz & now Tokypop ...that is a lot of paying jobs gone away. A sign that sales are down, but I wonder if its also a sign that the digital editions are not big money makers?


Thursday, April 14, 2011

SacAnime Con

Looks like a one day show hits on 5/15/2011.
It's set up to help the Japanese.
Then, there is another, longer show that is on September 2nd to 4th.

No clue if I'll be able to make either one, but good for Martin to sell anime/manga inspired art and be a big shot in artists alley.